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Tee-Ball Rules

Tee-Ball Rules

Tee-Ball is a simplified team sport designed to introduce young children to the fundamentals of baseball. With its modified rules and emphasis on skill development, Tee-Ball provides a safe and enjoyable entry point into the world of sports.

Tee-Ball Rules

Objective of the Game

The primary goal of Tee-Ball is for one team to outscore the other by earning more runs. Players aim to score runs during their innings while preventing the opposing team from doing the same when in the field. Beyond the competitive aspect, Tee-Ball serves a broader purpose of introducing children to baseball, promoting physical activity, and enhancing hand/eye coordination and ball skills.

Players & Equipment

Tee-Ball's popularity stems from its simplicity, requiring minimal equipment. Teams consist of 5 to 7 players, although variations are possible with mutual agreement. Players wear training shoes, safety helmets, and gloves when batting. The bats are between 25 and 26 inches long, and the Tee-Ball is a softer version of a regulation baseball, reducing the risk of injuries.


Scoring in Tee-Ball mirrors baseball, where each player completing a round of bases earns a point for their team. In games involving younger children, the focus may be on skill development rather than keeping score, fostering a positive and fun atmosphere.

Winning the Game

The team with the most runs at the end of the game emerges victorious. In case of a tie, a tiebreaker inning may be played, or the friendly nature of the sport may lead to a draw. Unscored games for younger players typically have no designated winner.

Rules of Tee-Ball

1. Tee-Ball is played by two teams with 5 to 7 players each.

2. A coin toss determines whether a team bats or fields first.

3. The number of innings equals the number of players on each team, with the hitting order rotating each inning.



1. The ball is placed on a stationary tee for the batter to hit.

2. Batters have unlimited swings to hit the ball.

3. Outs occur when the ball is caught in the air, a fielder stands on the base before the runner, or a runner is tagged between bases.

4. An innings concludes when all team members have had a turn to bat.


1. Fielding positions include the pitcher, catcher, and bases (first, second, and third).

2. The pitcher fields the diamond area without pitching the ball.

3. The catcher places the ball on the tee, catches, and tags runners heading for home base.

4. Other fielders, if present, aim to field, catch, and run players out.

Running Bases

1. Runners can only advance to the intended base after a throw is made.

2. If runners turn back, they must return to their previous base.

Tee-Ball provides a foundation for young athletes, blending skill development with the joy of teamwork, making it an ideal introduction to the world of sports.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Tee-Ball?

 - Tee-Ball is a simplified form of baseball designed for young children. It uses a stationary tee instead of a pitched ball, making it an introductory game to develop fundamental skills and hand/eye coordination.

2. How many players are on a Tee-Ball team?

 - Teams typically consist of 5 to 7 players, though variations can be made by mutual agreement.

3. What equipment is needed for Tee-Ball?

 - Players wear training shoes, safety helmets, and gloves when batting. Bats are 25 to 26 inches long, and Tee-Balls are softer than regulation baseballs to reduce injury risk.

4. How is scoring in Tee-Ball similar to baseball?

 - Scoring involves players completing a round of bases, earning one point for their team. However, in games with younger children, the emphasis may be on skill development rather than keeping score.

5. How is the winner determined in Tee-Ball?

 - The team with the most runs at the end of the game is declared the winner. In the case of a tie, a tiebreaker inning may be played, or the game may be called a draw.

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