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Sepak Takraw Rules

Sepak Takraw Rules

Sepak Takraw emerges as a game akin to volleyball, tracing its roots to Southeast Asia. Translating literally to 'Kick Ball,' this sport engages three players in a court resembling a volleyball setup, complete with a mid-court net.

Diverging from volleyball norms, Sepak Takraw mandates players refrain from using hands, compelling reliance on feet, head, knees, and chest for ball interaction. Prevalent in Southeast Asia, it enjoys prominence in Malaysia, dubbed 'Sepak Raga,' and Thailand, referred to as 'Takraw.'

Sepak Takraw Rules

Delving into the game's lineage, it extends to the 15th century, featuring slightly variant versions across Southeast Asia. In the 1940s, formalized rules materialized, officially naming it Sepak Takraw. ISTAF, the International Sepak Takraw Federation, governs its global trajectory, witnessing a burgeoning following. Beyond Southeast Asia, the game finds resonance in the USA, Canada, and other Western regions boasting significant Southeast Asian communities.

Object of the Game

The crux of the game lies in one team outscoring its adversary, inducing faults to secure points. Yet, in an alternative rendition named 'Chin Lone' in Myanmar (Burma), teams collaborate, viewing the game as an art form where the goal transcends defeating opponents, instead focusing on keeping the ball airborne in increasingly captivating and elegant maneuvers.

Players & Equipment

Sepak Takraw assembles two trios, each assigned distinct roles. The 'Teukgong,' positioned farthest back on the court, pairs with Inside Left and Right Inside players closer to the net on each side.

Game spheres are concocted from diverse synthetic materials, subject to ISTAF approval for competitive use. These 'woven' balls must bear 12 holes, 20 intersections, and align with standard size and weight.

The court setup mirrors a doubled badminton court, spanning 13.4 x 6.1 meters, featuring a mid-court net set at 1.5m for men and 1.42m for women.


Sepak Takraw scoring is straightforward, with a team gaining a point upon their opponent's fault. Faults triggering opposition points include:

- The Tekong elevating during service

- The Tekong neglecting to 'lick' the ball during service

- An Inside player net contact while ball throw

- Failure to send the ball to the opposition's half

- Ball surpassing the net but landing beyond court borders

- Exceeding three consecutive ball plays

- Touching the ball on the adversary's side

- Ball-to-arm contact

- Grasping or seizing the ball

- Ball contact with the ceiling or other objects

Winning the Game

Securing victory in Sepak Takraw involves winning two sets, each set culminating at 21 points. A tied set at 21-21 triggers a tiebreaker, where a two-point lead or reaching 25 points designates the winner. Given the game's rapid, athletic nature, triumph demands robust physical fitness, flexibility, and cohesive teamwork.

Rules of Sepak Takraw

Games adhere to a format featuring two teams, each with three players.

Court specifications align with ITSAF regulations, inclusive of official Sepak Takraw balls.

A coin toss precedes the match to determine the first-serving team.

Initiation involves a teammate throwing the ball to the server, who must kick it over the net while maintaining one foot in the service circle.

Players exclusively engage the ball with their feet, head, knees, and chest. Any other body part contact constitutes a fault, awarding the opposition points.

Teams possess a maximum of three ball touches to return it over the net without ground contact.

Failure to return the ball results in opposition points.

Sepak Takraw points materialize exclusively through opposition faults, encompassing various scenarios (refer to above).

The initial team to reach 21 points claims a set, with the first to clinch two sets declared the overall winner.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is Sepak Takraw an Olympic sport?
 - As of now, Sepak Takraw is not an Olympic sport, but its global popularity continues to grow.

2. What makes 'Chin Lone' different?
 - 'Chin Lone' in Myanmar focuses on artful ball-keeping rather than competitive play, adding a unique dimension to the game.

3. Are there women's Sepak Takraw leagues?
 - Yes, there are women's leagues with slightly adjusted net heights to accommodate the differences in the game's dynamics.

4. Can Sepak Takraw be played recreationally?
 - Absolutely! Many enthusiasts enjoy playing recreationally in parks or designated courts.

5. How can I get started with Sepak Takraw?
- Visit local clubs, join community events, or explore online resources to kick-start your Sepak Takraw journey.

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